Sunday, November 23, 2008


Still looking for a specific purpose for this blog. I just wanted to reserve the name, because I know a purpose will follow. Maybe I can make it a music blog. Or politics. Or maybe a political music blog. Or maybe it could be on ecological things. Or biological things. This blog has its whole life in front of it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Post Time

Time to put a post up on this blog. Not sure if there's a point to having two blogs, but when there is one, I'm totally going to be ready. Here's a picture of Uncle Rico. Dynamite. He's pretty awesome with a football--he can throw it for miles, over mountains, and stuff.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I was on the internet in the early '90s. Back then, domain names were easy to find. I know some people make money selling domain names, as they are intellectual property, with rights and real value. I wish I had reserved a few domain names, created a few websites, as I don't think it would've been hard, and it would've been lucrative. My interests were elsewhere. The internet will continue to evolve, I'm sure, as may my interests, but since I have no plans to change my name, I thought it might be a good idea to create a blog with my name in the title using the increasingly popular Google provider, so that friends, colleagues, and whomever else can visit. Stake out the name, my name, as it were--homesteading.